Avv. Marco Favara - lawyer favara@fcassociati.it

Graduated in Law and lawyer since 2012.

Specialized in Labour Law with reference to all the main productive sectors, both public and private.

Professional experience

He has ten years of experience in the litigation office of the OO.SS UIL and figure as a “a subject expert” at the University of Insubria in Como – in the Department of Labour Law.

He has collaborated in the management and resolution of business crises, in important operations of divestments of branches, restructurings and company reorganizations, dealing with the management of collective redundancies, mobility procedures and layoffs, as well as issues relating to trade union relations.

He has been appointed in several bankruptcy proceedings as a specialized professional and has dealt with the management of litigation between Bankruptcy and employees.

Significant is also the experience gained in Insurance Law in the field of employment and civil liability in general, medical and malpractice health, as well as in the resolution of disputes of (re)insurance, in the continuous consultancy in favor of insurance companies operating life, accident and reimbursement of medical expenses and in the recovery of claims arising from claims.

For about 5 years he has held the role of Legal Counsel in society of primary level that have allowed him to develop a deep knowledge of the Insurance market and the issues pertaining to the field of Health and reimbursement of medical expenses.

Languages spoken: Italian, French, English