F&C was born from the convergence of professionals specialized in corporate tax, in its national and international aspects, focusing in particular on litigation and fiscal consultancy in banking, finance and corporate.

Afterwards, F&C has increased its range of competences, integrating lawyers who are distinguished by a consolidated expertise in civil, corporate and business into the team, thereby completing the legal assistance provided.

Since the beginning, F&C has established important partnerships with other law firms operating in niche sectors, such as administrative law, criminal tax and finance law, privacy law, assets protection (trust), artwork marketing and negotiation.

During the last years, the Firm has developed its expertise in the assistance and consultancy for primary banking and industrial groups, expecially in the conveyance of business branches no longer considered to be strategic, permetting to transfer or divest the branch with a minimal impact in economic terms, and above all, with almost immediate effect.

The Firm provides also fiscal rapresentation for VAT to non-EU companies. With its accounting and corporate back-office, and thanks to the professiolas skills in subsidized financing, it offers assistance to small and medium size enterprises as well as to international companies in their lifecycle. The goal is to identify financial resources for the companies in optimum conditions compared to the reference markets, also trough the legislative instruments incentive to economic activities.